- Where sports, statistics, and literature meet: Comparing David Fleming to Bill JamesStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Rivoluzioni matematiche: il Teorema del funtore aggiunto di Giuseppe RosoliniMaddmaths!
- In the interest of efficiency, I’m reusing the following headline: “Controlling the boards of both companies may have helped with the negotiations”West Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- “Gli anni delle immense compagnie”: nel cuore del 9° AIRO Young WorkshopMaddmaths!
- FOCUS MADDMATHS! – Nuove Indicazioni Nazionali 2025: Osservazioni e proposte della FIM (Federazione Italiana Mathesis)Maddmaths!
- Il Premio Abel 2025 a Masaki Kashiwara per l’analisi algebricaMaddmaths!
- Tragedy in one shitty actShtetl-Optimized
- Bogus polls are bogus even for the good guysStats Chat
- How writing a popular-science book led to a Nature Physics paperQuantum Frontiers
- the thought policeXi'an's Og
- Cactus Language • Preliminaries 1Inquiry Into Inquiry
- Online activities 31 March – 6 AprilEuropean Set Theory Society
- The reciprocal betrayals of Saul Bellow and Paul MeehlStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Fundamental solutionJohn D. Cook
- No matter how dubiousJohn D. Cook
- Storie che contano: 1) Massimo Ferri, “La dea sdegnosa”Maddmaths!
- FOCUS MADDMATHS! – Nuove Indicazioni Nazionali 2025: Riflessioni del Consiglio Direttivo del GRIMeD (Gruppo di RIcerca Matematica e Difficoltà)Maddmaths!
- la grande course du grand ParisXi'an's Og
- Looking at Your DataJohn D. Cook
- New Post on Substack: Against DeceptionMathematics Rising
- Survey's are done stupidly/A stupid question from a surveyComputational Complexity
- Memories of CFSGPeter Cameron's Blog
- “The Unbuilt Bench: Experimental Psychology on the Verge of Science”Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- FOCUS MADDMATHS! – Nuove Indicazioni Nazionali 2025: il parere dell’AIRDMMaddmaths!
- Je n’ai pas le temps (Non ho tempo) – Episodio 4 – Un diavolo per Capelli: i teoremi di SylowMaddmaths!
- Comment escompter le futurFreakonometrics
- for a symmetric Asilomar?Xi'an's Og
- The Abel Prize 2025: Masaki KashiwaraDoc Madhattan
- Does someone really have to do the dirty jobs?The Universe of Discourse
- New Yorker magazine demonstrates a naive faith in social scienceStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- CGI and spreadsheets have revolutionized the construction of Potemkin villagesWest Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- La vita si allunga, ma fino a dove?Maddmaths!
- FOCUS MADDMATHS! – Nuove Indicazioni Nazionali 2025: Sintesi della discussione del 25 marzo presso il Dipartimento di Matematica dell’Università di BolognaMaddmaths!
- the dark side of AsilomarXi'an's Og
- The All-New, All-Different Doc MadhattanDoc Madhattan
- Les lundis de l’IA et de la financeFreakonometrics
- Higher Order Sign Relations • Discussion 1Inquiry Into Inquiry
- SuperhyperbolaJohn D. Cook
- Solve a simpler version of the problem.Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Running with the (Tesla) BullsWest Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- Decomposing a factorial into large factorsWhat's new
- Decomposing a factorial into large factorsWhat's new
- The McGee GroupAzimuth
- Call for papers Information-Theoretic CrpytographyWindows On Theory
- imperial Edo [jatp]Xi'an's Og
- On the JPMC/Quantinuum certified quantum randomness demoShtetl-Optimized
- The McGee GroupThe n-Category Café
- Individual probability, model multiplicity, and multicalibrationStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- The glass disk gameJohn D. Cook
- What Happened to MOOCS?Computational Complexity
- On that claim about “How does energy impact economic growth”Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- "The Myth of the Secret Genius"West Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- Congrats, Dr. Marival!Xi'an's Og
- The Cosmographical GlasseThe Renaissance Mathematicus
- Weeping Atlas cedarsPeter Cameron's Blog
- Ebikes for brainsStats Chat
- The multi-armed bandit problem under the mean-variance settingFreakonometrics
- Let’s analyze how we analyze!Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Bogus Tesla Polls Are BogusStats Chat
- The mathematical past is a foreign countryThe Universe of Discourse
- Routine, bread-and-butter, run-of-the-mill junk science from 2015Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- You can hardly blame the New York Times for trusting Netflix. It's not like the company has a record of pulling this crap for more than a decade.West Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- AFL Predictions for Week 4Stats Chat
- United Rugby Championship Predictions for Week 14Stats Chat
- Top 14 Predictions for Round 20Stats Chat
- Super Rugby Predictions for Week 7Stats Chat
- Rugby Premiership Predictions for Round 13Stats Chat
- NRL Predictions for Round 4Stats Chat
- Workshop announcement: VBAC 2025 Quivers – SheavesPieter Belmans
- next OWABI webinar [27 March]Xi'an's Og
- Accessible Open Textbooks in Math-Heavy DisciplinesRichard Zach
- If you see a fork in the roadStats Chat
- Rithmomachia: setupYet Another Mathblog
- Modeling What We Cannot SeeMegan Hayes-Golding
- On the Geometry of Deep Learning[UNTITLED BLOG]
- SCOR Project Newsletter #3Freakonometrics
- Projet SCOR, Infolettre #3Freakonometrics
- We have here two papers that are critical of the culture of academic economics. Where can they be published?Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Online activities 24 – 30 MarchEuropean Set Theory Society
- Voyager’s slingshot maneuversJohn D. Cook
- "First class tickets for ships that have sailed" -- a ten-years-ago-at-the-blog repostWest Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- Advantages of Reed-Solomon codes over Golay codesJohn D. Cook
- Recording lectures? Posting the Recordings? Using Slides?Computational Complexity
- opinions as prohibited items on flightsXi'an's Og
- Hand calculating exp(x)John D. Cook
- “Can I teach integral calculus before differential calculus?”Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Very accurate pi approximationJohn D. Cook
- a journal of the plague and chaos yearXi'an's Og
- Subparacompact spacesDan Ma's Topology Blog
- The ancient Greek mathematics of distorted airplane propeller photos11011110
- Higher Order Sign Relations • 1Inquiry Into Inquiry
- The piranha principle: What does it mean, exactly?Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Posting on SubstackMathematics Rising
- MaxEnt’ipodes [December 14-19, 2025, U of Auckland, Aotearoa]Xi'an's Og
- Message by a political prisoner on his birthdayMathematics under the Microscope
- You can learn a lot from a simple simulation (example of experimental design with unequal variances for treatment and control data)Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Still a better branding choice than "Soylent"West Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- Ph.D. student position on extreme precipitation in a changing cold climate! Using Bayesian modeling and computation! At the University of Iceland!Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Starting a new position at the University of British ColumbiaStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- How is an American research university funded?Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Signs Of Signs • 4Inquiry Into Inquiry
- Interior of a conicJohn D. Cook
- The first and second centuries of quantum mechanicsQuantum Frontiers
- Perhaps we should let Turing off the hook as wellWest Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- Why I use the term “forking paths”Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Visual Insights (Part 2)The n-Category Café
- Visual Insights (Part 2)Azimuth
- IsarMathLib 1.32.0: Update to Isabelle2025 and Uniformity from collection of pseudometricsFormalized Mathematics
- New paper on conformal prediction and human decisionsStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Signs Of Signs • 3Inquiry Into Inquiry
- Defend research against government censorshipPeter Cameron's Blog
- Speaking of government waste . . .Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- A Failure to CommunicateComputational Complexity
- Noah may be overthinking "We'll do the Flintstones but in the future, with robots instead of dinosaurs."West Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- From τὰ φυσικά (ta physika) to physics – XLThe Renaissance Mathematicus
- “Are Controversies in Statistics Relevant for Responsible AI/ML? (My talk at an AI ethics conference) (ii)Error Statistics Philosophy
- What Can We Learn about Engineering and Innovation from Half a Century of the Game of Life Cellular Automaton?Stephen Wolfram Writings
- Baseball on the MoonThe Universe of Discourse
- Signs Of Signs • 2Inquiry Into Inquiry
- Why isn’t the Cramer-Rao lower bound invoked more in applied research?Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Every picture tells a storyWest Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- Critique of Yarvin’s SystemAzimuth
- Lessons Learned With the Z3 SAT/SMT SolverJohn D. Cook
- How is the integrity crisis in business reporting like the integrity crisis in science?Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- "The SAT Gave Me Hope"West Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- The Dark EnlightenmentAzimuth
- Developing an AI for Quantum Chess: Part 1Quantum Frontiers
- Grokking the James Bond chordJohn D. Cook
- My Post-Covid PostComputational Complexity
- Rates of convergenceJohn D. Cook
- Signs Of Signs • 1Inquiry Into Inquiry
- Gluons, quarks, letters, and envelopesJohn D. Cook
- What’s the best artistic/literary format for conveying the feel of the slacker lifestyle? Two slacker stories by Lucy Sante and Matt Madden.Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- On my way to TorontoFreakonometrics
- Example using a generating function to find asymptotic behaviorJohn D. Cook
- Elections for the Stan Governing Body 2025Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Hangeul sign-engraving machineThe Universe of Discourse
- Linkage11011110
- Permutations with no consecutive elementsJohn D. Cook
- Double Feature: Revolutionary Road and That Darned ChatbotStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- EquiPy: Sequential Fairness using Optimal Transport in PythonFreakonometrics
- Online activities 17 – 23 MarchEuropean Set Theory Society
- Computing the nth digit of π directlyJohn D. Cook
- Debate about “quantum supremacy” . . . whatever that is!Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- At least he didn't call it 'crowd sourcing'West Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- Is conceptual purity the defining aesthetic in academic computer science?Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Intelligence as a personal attribute or as a way of being (a reflection on when intelligent people say stupid things)Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- History of maths for beginners!The Renaissance Mathematicus
- I tried to come up with a snarky title, but I was hard-pressed to top "timeless appeal" -- another entry in our Adventures in IP threadWest Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- Cactus Language • Overview 4Inquiry Into Inquiry
- Those youth sports travel teamsStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Covid and ComplexityComputational Complexity
- How can we possibly hope to rebuild after losing more than one half of a percent of our housing?West Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- Category Theory 2025The n-Category Café
- A couple of pictures from Guanajuato (CIMAT)Freakonometrics
- Truth and the war in UkraineDavid Ketcheson
- StanBio Connect 2025Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Online activities 10 – 16 MarchEuropean Set Theory Society
- What does Jesus have to do with linear regression?Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Note to Elon: When people are accusing you of being a Nazi, blaming it on a George Soros conspiracy may not be the smartest move.West Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- Contestants and AI competitor predict cherry blossoms this month!Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Colossus versus El Capitan: A Tale of Two SupercomputersJohn D. Cook
- The value of remembering past failures: the example of Mars OneStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Ten years ago at the blog, March was pretty much Mars One monthWest Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- Unicode, Tolkien, and PrivacyJohn D. Cook
- Unicode surrogatesJohn D. Cook
- Numbers that look prime but aren'tComputational Complexity
- Practical consequences of tokenization detailsJohn D. Cook
- CompactnessPeter Cameron's Blog
- 70,000 AssyriansStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- On Columbia in the crosshairsShtetl-Optimized
- Moral MazeFreakonometrics
- ChatGPT tokens and UnicodeJohn D. Cook
- “A Post Mortem on the Gino Case”: “Committing fraud is, right now, a viable career strategy that can propel you at the top of the academic world.”Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- nauty for your iPhone – updateSymOmega
- Claude and Merle Miller let me downThe Universe of Discourse
- Cactus Language • Overview 3Inquiry Into Inquiry
- Standing up for ScienceThe Geomblog
- The difference between tokens and wordsJohn D. Cook
- The answer to the how-many-significant-digits problem is the same as the answer to the what-to-graph problem: The click-through solutionStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- XKCD on DSTWest Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- Visual Insights (Part 1)The n-Category Café
- Visual Insights (Part 1)Azimuth
- Reflector gridsThe Universe of Discourse
- 2025 Gödel Prize: Call for Nominations (Due April 11)Turing's Invisible Hand
- A simpler GELU activation function approximationJohn D. Cook
- Introduction to modal model theory, Panglobal Algebra and Logic Seminar, Boulder, March 2025Joel David Hamkins
- 2025 William Reinhardt Memorial Lecture, BoulderJoel David Hamkins
- Spreading out words in spaceJohn D. Cook
- Cactus Language • Overview 2Inquiry Into Inquiry
- Playing music, listening to music, background music, talking about musicStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Have we mentioned how unfair it is to single out Arthur Conan Doyle?West Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- What does it mean to create a topological qubit?Quantum Frontiers
- On Making Databases Run FasterJohn D. Cook
- Taking a StandComputational Complexity
- No, an election forecast that’s 50-50 is not “giving up.” No, the election forecasters in 2024 did not say, “Whatever happened, it was supposed to be razor thin.”Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Clive James's example may be god-awful, but what about the point he was trying to make?West Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- From τὰ φυσικά (ta physika) to physics – XXXIXThe Renaissance Mathematicus
- Jacob Barandes and MeShtetl-Optimized
- How Good are Permutation Represesentations?The n-Category Café
- My desert island discsStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- A Blacker Black BoxWest Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- Boolean Grid IIOR in an OB World
- Knuth prize call for nominationsWindows On Theory
- Online activities 3 – 9 MarchEuropean Set Theory Society
- The Evil VectorShtetl-Optimized
- Duplicating a hand-drawn contour plotJohn D. Cook
- Looking at your watch a third time waiting in the station for the busStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Reproducing a hand-drawn plotJohn D. Cook
- The Grandiosity/Contribution Ratio -- another newly relevant repostWest Coast Stat Views (on Observational Epidemiology and more)
- Karp recently turned 90 but there was no conference to celebrate that. Which numbers do we use and why?Computational Complexity
- Oh, the Insights You’ll Show!Laura Albert's Punk Rock Operations Research
- “On or about December 2010 the behavioral sciences changed” and Eggers on The case against Hypothesis 1Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- What is partial pivoting?John D. Cook
- Positive but not perfect correlations in novel-writing and psychometricsStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
- Jonathan ChaitThe Universe of Discourse
- YOU get a leap year! And YOU get a leap year!God plays dice
- A Boolean GridOR in an OB World
Grab the feed for Research blogs!